PHOENIX — Arizonans passed Proposition 139 today, which will establish a fundamental right to abortion in the state constitution and provide a path to challenge Arizona’s dangerous abortion ban. The amendment — which will go into effect when the secretary of state certifies the election — protects Arizonans’ right to decide for themselves whether to end a pregnancy. After certification, Arizona abortion providers will be able to challenge the state’s 15-week ban, as well as any other restriction that violates the amendment.
The American Civil Liberties Union, American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, and the ACLU of Arizona together invested more than $1.8 million to support Arizona for Abortion Access in passing Proposition 139.
Statement from Victoria López, director of program and strategy, ACLU of Arizona:
“With the passage of Prop 139, Arizona voters sent a clear message that they support the right to abortion and reject attacks on our bodily autonomy. Since Roe was overturned, we’ve lived with an uncertain and shifting landscape, including the reinstatement and repeal of a Civil-War era ban, and watched as the state’s 15-week ban wreaked havoc on people’s lives. Enough is enough. Arizona’s abortion ban is not only cruel and dangerous, but it’s now in direct violation of the rights explicitly guaranteed under our state constitution. We will not allow bans or other restrictions to deny people the power to make personal medical decisions about abortion, free from government interference. We plan to take action in the coming weeks to implement the state’s new constitutional amendment consistent with the will of the people to protect Arizonans’ rights and freedoms.”