In Arizona, the overuse of jails and prisons has severe human and economic consequences that affect everyone living in our state. The ACLU of Arizona is doing something about it. And there’s an easy way for people to join us.
Our Campaign for Smart Justice is a multiyear effort to reduce Arizona's prison and jail populations by 50 percent and to combat racial disparities within the criminal justice system. We just launched our new online hub for Smart Justice Arizona, where people can instantly commit to joining our fight for a smart criminal justice system. The website will also serve as a place where supporters can find out about events, like our upcoming volunteer training sessions.
Our campaign is already taking action. A dedicated team of lawyers, organizers, and people directly impacted by the criminal justice system are working to end the unjust use of cash bail.
In Maricopa County, nearly 70 percent of people in jails have not been convicted of a crime and are legally presumed to be innocent. Many of them simply cannot afford to pay cash bail. Just last month, we partnered with other local organizations to hold a Mother's Day Bail Out. We freed two women who were then able to spend the holiday with their families.
Criminal justice reform has bipartisan support in Arizona. There is real opportunity to build a movement that will transform lives and improve our communities. Together, we can make it happen.
Visit www.smartjusticeaz.org and commit to helping us end mass incarceration.