2022 in Review

A message from ACLU of Arizona Executive Director, Jennifer Allen Aroz:

Jennifer Allen Aroz, ACLU of Arizona executive director.
We knew that 2022 was going to challenge us and put people's civil rights and civil liberties on the line like never before — from the Supreme Court's devastating decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, laws that targeted our trans students and neighbors, and attempts to subvert our voting rights — we remained steadfast and tackled these critical fights together.


In 2022, because of the commitment of supporters and activists like you, the courage of our clients, the work of our dedicated staff, and the on the ground efforts of our partners the ACLU of Arizona continued to protect and expand civil rights and liberties.

Together we:

  • Challenged the use of cyanide gas, a method which was used by the Nazis to murder millions of Jewish people at Auschwitz, in state executions
  • Successfully challenged an anti-First Amendment law that would've prohibited the recording of law enforcement carrying out their official duties in public. 
  • Ensured that abortion remains legal and available in Arizona by challenging requirements that created uncertainty for patients and providers.
  • Faced off Arizona prison officials in court and were granted a court order that found conditions in Arizona prisons to be unconstitutional.  
  • Invested in Arizona midterm election races to educate voters across the state on what was at stake. 

Read more about our advocacy and accomplishments this year in the presentation above. With your continued partnership, we are able to act quickly against attacks on our rights and to advance justice. We must work together to bring us closer to a country where “We the People” truly means all of us.

Thank you for your support this year - we look forward to 2023 and ready to continue to defend the rights of all!


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